intensive workshops
Unique, emotionally dynamic, and embodied experiences that activate and change you.
Everyone at your organization is responsible for creating an inclusive culture of belonging. I specialize in creating leadership-development experiences that are emotional, embodied, and consciousness-shifting for groups and individuals.
Evidence shows long-form training is more effective for shifting culture than one-off experiences. To that end, Embodied Diversity recommends starting with a series of 3 to 5 customized workshops to powerfully impact desired DEIB outcomes.
Over the past 2+ years, the world has drastically changed. People have also changed and so has the workplace. I can help your leaders and organization make the cultural shifts needed to foster inclusive cultures where EVERYONE feels seen, heard, valued, and that they belong, in the new hybrid workplace.
Whether people are adjusting from coming back from the isolation of remote work, grieving a loss(es), recovering from illness, processing events around racial injustice, gun violence, loss of rights, or other collective traumas, together we will co-create a customized training that addresses your specific cultural needs.
What clients Are Saying:
-Rachel Koch Sizemore, Coach at
“Meet Heather Rebecca Wilson. I’m so grateful to have spent the morning learning from this stunning, intelligent, inspiring woman. Not only is an amazing coach, she is a diversity educator, and a brave leader in the space of creating healing and integration in our culture around race and social justice.
I learned a lot in this workshop which I’ll be continuing to talk more about coming up. But I’ll share my most important takeaway now - I have to start speaking up more, to share what I’m learning and grappling with. To keep wading into the scary and uncomfortable waters that is talking about race, discrimination, and systems of power and privilege.
I have been studying social justice. Learning. Getting my heart broken. Getting my foundations rocked. None of this is to complain. It’s to say I’m committed to get in the game and learn, and if I want to be a leader in the space of human thriving and love, I have to share what I’m learning and intentionally create spaces for discussion, healing, and greater love and safety to grow.
No, I don’t really know how. Yes, I’m going to step in it. Over and over. But I’m committing to showing up anyway, braving the discomfort and any criticism or judgment and personal growth that will come. It’s the absolute least I can do.”