Attracting, engaging, & retaining inclusive talent
“Organizations that integrate well-being into the design of work at the individual, team, and organizational levels will build a sustainable future where workers can feel and perform at their best.”
2021 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends
The “Great Resignation”, Cascading Collective Traumas, Burnout, and DEIB
Enduring a global pandemic, racism, violence, misogyny, the erosion of rights, and mass death are taking a cascading toll on American workers. People are burned out, exhausted, and “emotionally constipated” - to put it bluntly. The world, which was already unsafe and unjust for so many people, has fundamentally changed, and so has the workplace.
Even before the pandemic, research showed that Gen Z looks for an organization’s stance on social justice and DEIB issues. Additionally, Gen Z will search 20+ organizations on average before deciding on a job. According to general population data, 50% of candidates won’t consider an organization with a negative employer brand. And, 67% of job seekers take the diversity of the workforce into account.
True transformational healing happens in relationships. With most of our time spent relating to those in our workplaces, I bring a holistic, embodied approach to building teams and leaders that have tools to address trauma and toxic stress, practices that support connection and belonging, as well as individual and team regulation. In this way, people are empowered to bring their authentic selves into the workplace with purpose, for fun, and with the ability to set healthy energetic boundaries that benefit EVERYONE.